Full Earth Ferments!
The only thing better than fresh vegetables are fermented ones! We are excited to be adding seasonal ferments to our product list. We use our own farm grown produce and a process known as lacto-fermentation to create these delicious probiotic foods. Through the fermentation process good bacteria thrive where dangerous bacteria cannot survive. This is due to the salty and low pH environment created during fermentation. Lacto-fermentation is one of the oldest methods of preservation and happens to pack a probiotic punch that is nothing but good for us.
As we are using only locally grown ingredients, these products are seasonal. This means they won't be available all year, most likely. We are increasing our production and working on extending the allowed shelf-life for these products, but it will take time. Thank you for eating seasonally!
Fermented Products

Sauerkraut is a traditional German condiment made from simply cabbage and salt. Other variations also exist including beet and carrot sauerkrauts. Pairs well with dense rye bread, sharp cheddar cheese and pilsner. Also excellent on sandwiches, burgers and hot dogs.
Classic Sauerkraut Available winter, spring, and summer at the Tallahassee Farmers Market* and the Red Hills Online Market! Ingredients: FEF Cabbage and Salt.
Carrot Sauerkraut Available winter, spring, and summer at the Tallahassee Farmers Market* and the Red Hills Online Market!Ingredients: FEF Cabbage, FEF Carrots and salt.

Kimchi is a spicy fermented vegetable medley that hails from Korea. Traditional Korean kimchi refers to over 200 different recipes and is eaten by many every day! It is a staple in Korean diets and was created in the 7th century. Learn more about the history of kimchi here. It is delicious on its own, but also makes a great addition to rice or noodle dishes, and tacos and sandwiches too. It is sure to enhance any meal. Our take on Korean kimchi is made from a variety of veggies from our farm and ginger from Turkey Hill Farm. Our recipe is comprised of Florida grown veggies (thus "Florida Style") and is vegan.
Kimchi Available fall, winter and spring at the Tallahassee Farmers Market and the Red Hills Online Market! Ingredients: FEF Chinese Cabbage, FEF Radish, FEF Peppers, FEF Garlic, Turkey Hill Farm Ginger, Kombu (seaweed), and Salt.

Our mild heat fermented hot sauce is made from mild serrano chilis. It is lacto-fermented and then mixed with vinegar and heated to make it shelf stable. The fermentation creates a depth of flavor, making this mild hot sauce a delicious addition to any meal! We love this medium heat hot sauce.
Mild Hot Sauce Available year round at the Tallahassee Farmers Market* and the Red Hills Online Market! Ingredients: FEF hot peppers, Vinegar and Salt.
Spicy Hot Sauce coming soon!
* We attend the Tallahassee Farmers Market October-June
Thank you to Longview Farms for the use of their certified kitchen!
Thank you to Carson Howse for label design!
Thank you to Salina Cardias for label art!