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Upcoming Market Manager Workshops!
It is a common misconception that running a farmers market is easy. Starting a market should be a well thought out and planned business...

On the Cover!
We are so honored to be part of the main article and on the cover of the Oct/Nov issue of 850 Magazine! 850 is a business magazine for...

What's the deal with CSAs?
In an age when we can buy whatever we want at the click of the mouse, or in a single trip to one big box store, why is there any interest...

Tomato Feastival Coming Up!
Every year, the Sunday before Father's Day, Turkey Hill Farm hosts its annual Tomato Feastival! This day long event has something for...

Epic Garlic Harvest Happened Again!
Every late spring we harvest our elephant garlic with the help of folks from the community. In the past we waited until June, but this...
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